US Blockchain Adoption: The First 14 Days


US Blockchain Adoption: The First 14 Days

Back in mid November we sent you a newsletter with some expectations for what would happen with the arrival of a new pro blockchain and crypto administration in the USA.

Here are some words from that newsletter. You can review what we said then by clicking here.

It just happened. The world's most important innovation economy went to the ballot box last week and voted on a new future which will include leadership in the global race for digital monies, commodities and assets. We could not be happier. Our investment thesis just received the most powerful accelerator we could have hoped for.

In today's newsletter we outline the remarkable progress that has been made in the USA towards leadership in the blockchain and crypto space in just the first 14 days of a new administration.

We could not have predicted back in November 2024 the speed of change - essentially those items we had called out for execution during 2025 have mostly occurred in just the first month of the year.

Our November Perspective

To remind you, back in November, the US had seen an election in which the majority of incoming Senators, Congressmen, Governors, and of course, the Executive Branch led by President-elect Donald Trump, were all firmly behind the notion that it is time for the US to stop blocking innovation and technology change. Instead 2025 should see a focused effort to support Trump's commitment that "The United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the Bitcoin superpower of the world."

Exhibit 1: November Webinar and Newsletter Slide


In our November webinar we went through what we expected for 2025 as initial priorities, and the list is shown in Exhibit 1 above.

Remarkable First 14 Days

Needless to say, we are all used to newly elected politicians arriving with big promises, which then take years to effect, and in many cases never happen at all.

The good news for blockchain and crypto - and for our investment thesis - is that in this case the reverse is true. We would not have predicted how remarkable the speed and breadth of changes has been. Both washing away the misplaced, and sometimes illegal, decisions of the Biden administration and the SEC under Gensler, and kicking off a breadth of pro-blockchain priorities impressive for their alignment with what our industry had been asking for.

Exhibit 2 provides a snapshot, and our most recent webinar on the State of Blockchain and Crypto: Q1 2025 is a must watch if you want the detail.

Exhibit 2: The First 7 Days


Central to the direction of change is a seminal Presidential Executive Order spelling out leadership, governance committees, priorities and deadlines for the newly appointed congress and executive branch.

Again, the State of Blockchain and Crypto: Q1 2025 webinar tells you the details if you want to hear them.

Exhibit 3: Executive Order


Simply put, we have been amazed by the pro-blockchain and crypto leadership emerging across the board in the US, and we know this will have global ramifications, further accelerating those countries that had already entered the race, and encouraging any remaining holdouts to get started too.

Implications for Our Investment Thesis and Strategies

So what does this mean for Blockchain Coinvestors and for our investors?

  • Our investment thesis continues to be on point and inevitable - but we will now see an acceleration of momentum towards it;

  • We believe our investment strategies are perfectly positioned and will now be driven forward by powerful tailwinds that will rapidly increase values;

  • We are already seeing this with all time highs for some crypto tokens including Bitcoin, and rapidly increasing secondary market prices on private blockchain equities including some of our portfolio companies.

It could not be a better time to allocate more capital to Blockchain ventures - and we are.

Here at Blockchain Coinvestors we have just made new commitments to several blockchain venture funds including 1kx, 1Confirmation, Blockchain Capital, Castle Island, Dragonfly, Fabric, Greenfield, and Pantera with more to follow.

If you want to learn more about our investment strategies, please just contact us at

Please do consider allocating capital with us ahead of, and now behind this new acceleration.

Thank you for reading.

The Blockchain Coinvestors Partners

About Blockchain Coinvestors

Blockchain Coinvestors invests in blockchain businesses. Our vision is that digital monies, commodities, and assets are inevitable and all of the world’s financial infrastructure must be upgraded. Our mission is to provide broad coverage of early stage blockchain investments and access to emerging blockchain unicorns. Blockchain Coinvestors’ investment strategies are now in their 12th year and to date we have invested in a combined portfolio of 1,250 blockchain companies and projects including more than 110 blockchain unicorns.

“The best way to invest in blockchain businesses”

Matthew Le Merle