Fifth Era/Blockchain Coinvestors Update #8

World Economic Forum, Davos

 After two weeks in Davos, Geneva, London, Zug and Zurich we share the top ten insights and/or news items that we were particularly taken by. Some of global, and some of particular importance to those of us who are investors in Blockchain Coinvestors and the syndicate we are building.

Top Ten Davos Insights/News

Blockchain Predictions for 2020 

Our two-part Blockchain Predictions for 2020 podcast was recently released on MoneyNeverSleeps with Pete Townsend. 60 minutes of your time is an investment, but if you spend it, you will fully understand why we are so excited to be investors in 8 of the 15 blockchain unicorns and why our investment strategy at Blockchain Coinvestors is to work very hard to get capital allocated to the largest global portfolio of emerging leaders in the space.

Money Talks #7: Blockchain Predictions 2020 - Part I

Money Talks #7: Blockchain Predictions 2020 - Part II

These two podcasts are also on Apple, Spotify and YouTube. All you need to do is search for MoneyNeverSleeps (one word) and scroll until you find the Part 1 podcast with Matthew Le Merle.

 Upcoming First Closing

To learn more about the upcoming first closing, please join us on our upcoming Blockchain Coinvestors Webinars:

Also visit us at to find more information and request the investor presentation.  

Other Resources

Please listen and share our recent podcasts and webinar appearances:

Please reach out with any questions or comments. 

Best wishes,

Alison Davis

Matthew C. Le Merle

Matthew Le Merle