Fifth Era/Blockchain Coinvestors Update #6

We hope you had a very enjoyable new year. As we enter 2020, we are impressed by the increasing pace and breadth of governmental and large corporate support for the blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. A few recent developments that we find indicative of this acceleration include the number of central banks announcing sovereign digital currency initiatives, the ramp up of blockchain focus across China and a breadth of large financial services companies getting behind the technology. Just as examples, Charles Schwab reports that they find their millennial customers to prefer Bitcoin over most other investments, from Europe HSBC, ING and NatWest all announce important blockchain based offerings, and in Asia new consortiums including the once we link to at MUFG focused on security token standards. Read more at the links below.

Recent developments in blockchain:

 Our final link for this edition should be encouraging to every investor in our fund and active in the space. Figure has become the 15 blockchain unicorn. Through our investment strategies we are investors in 8 of the 15 including Figure.

 Blockchain Coinvestors Webinars:

 Recent podcasts and webinar appearances:

 Finally, for those who would like to learn more about our program please visit to learn more and request the investor deck.

 We hope you find much to think about, and please reach out with any questions or comments.
Best wishes,

Alison Davis
Matthew C. Le Merle

Matthew Le Merle