Fifth Era/Blockchain Coinvestors Update #10

In our recent investor meetings in North America, Europe and Australasia, we have often been asked to explain why early stage technology investing is among the highest returning asset classes in the world, and to share the best practices that we have learned in 30 years in Silicon Valley as active internet, fintech and blockchain investors.

During our two webinars on March 9th, we will be sharing these best practices that are informing our investment strategy for Blockchain Coinvestors as well as those that were previously included in our best selling book 'Build your fortune in the Fifth Era'.

Please join by clicking on one of the two webinar links below.

Mastering Early Stage Investing:

To learn more about the upcoming first closing of Blockchain Coinvestors which will occur before the end of March please sign up at or join us at one of our upcoming webinars. 

Best wishes,

Alison Davis
Matthew C. Le Merle

Matthew Le Merle