Fifth Era/Blockchain Coinvestors Update #3

For those of you who are already investors in Blockchain either through our fund of funds, or directly, last week was a momentous one. 

The world witnessed perhaps the most important announcement to date from a sovereign government regarding national economic strategy and its future dependence upon blockchains. China’s President Xi Jinping told his country that blockchain will be one of the most important technologies for the country and that China should leverage it in industries such as finance, education, employment, healthcare, infrastructure management and public services. This was not an idle announcement. In the days since other important Chinese policy makers including central bankers, national government ministers and provincial government leaders all have echoed his sentiments.

We expect that China's leadership on this topic will now force blockchain into the consideration of every government leader worldwide - a viewed shared with us by past Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman, Christopher Giancarlo who spoke at the Pantera summit in San Francisco.

In other blockchain news:

 Recent podcast and webinar appearances: 

We hope you enjoy, and please reach out with any questions or comments.

Best wishes,

Alison Davis
Matthew C. Le Merle

Matthew Le Merle