Every year we publish our predictions for the year ahead in November. December always seems to be a rushed month and this year will be no exception since we will be holding closings for Blockchain Coinvestors and the Securitize coinvestment. Please contact us if you want to know about either at mlemerle@fifthera.com.

Last year our 2020 Blockchain Predictions turned out to be spot on with only one exception. Indeed, the world moved far beyond our expectations, and we will show just how much this is true in the upcoming webinar for the 2021 Blockchain Predictions (see below for webinar registration details).

Perhaps the most exciting development of 2020 was the very large increase in the number of Blockchain Unicorns - enterprises and projects with values in excess of $1 billion. The list is now at 31 (perhaps 32 if Bitmex survives). There is some art in deciding which of the Blockchain projects to add to this list, so join the webinars if you want to understand the logic for what we included and what we did not.

We are excited to be current or past investors in more than 20 of these.

So here are our 2021 Blockchain Predictions. Please do join us on November 30th at 7am or 12pm PST to learn more about each of the ten predictions.

With all of the world's challenges we believe next year will be a good one for those companies and projects focused on moving the world towards a digital future including digital monies and assets.

Isn't 21 always a lucky number?

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you are in the US, and stay safe wherever you are.

Alison and Matthew

Blockchain Coinvestors AngelList Syndicate

To be an LP in the Blockchain Coinvestors Syndicate on AngelList, and get access to our deals, go to http://bit.ly/BCSynAL and apply.  We’ll announce our first investment opportunity in the next week, and plan on syndicating 6-12 investments a year in this way.

Register Now For Our Upcoming Webinars

Please register to learn more about our blockchain predictions for 2021.

2021 Blockchain Predictions Webinar, Nov 30th at 7:00am PST
2021 Blockchain Predictions Webinar, Nov 30th at 12:00pm PST


One reason we encourage early investing is the potential to be a part of a unicorn company. Learn more about past and potential blockchain unicorns in this webinar.

Meet the Blockchain Unicorns, Dec 7th at 7:00am PST
Meet the Blockchain Unicorns, Dec 7th at 12:00pm PST

Our webinar library can now be found at www.fifthera.com/webinars.

Upcoming Appearances

Matthew is presenting at the 2020 Family Office Forum in Zurich on December 8th and 9th. Please join us for this Prestel & Partner event, either online or in person.

The Linqto Global Investor Conference is coming up in December. Please join Matthew - and a multitude of other experts - during this 2 day event.

Recent Appearances

In the last two weeks we have presented to CEO, VoiceAmerica, Keiretsu Forum India, The Global Investor Summit, and LAToken. Please find the link to the VoiceAmerica podcast here.

Meet the Blockchain VCs

Matthew Le Merle, best-selling author and Co-founder of Fifth Era moderates a panel with Haseeb Qureshi (Managing Partner, Dragonfly Capital Partners), H. Joshua Rivera (General Counsel, Blockchain Capital), and Matthew Walsh (Partner, Castle Island Ventures) as they discuss what trends are motivating blockchain investments in the market today, which of their portfolio companies is closest to an IPO, and what assets have made their balance sheets.

Learn More

Also visit us at www.fifthera.com and www.blockchaincoinvestors.com to find more information and request our investor materials.

We thank you once again for your support, and we hope that in this challenging time you and your family and loved ones are staying safe and healthy. 

Best wishes,

Alison Davis
Matthew C. Le Merle

Matthew Le Merle